@php $step_status = @$step_status; $visa_denied_count = @$step_verified_data['visa_denied_count']; $consecutive_visa_denied_flag = @$step_verified_data['consecutive_visa_denied_flag']; $embassy_data = @$step_verified_data['embassy_data']; $allow_visa_process = @$step_verified_data['allow_visa_process']; $show_message = @$step_verified_data['show_message']; $embassy_timezone = @$embassy_data->embassy_timezone; $embassy_date = @$embassy_data->embassy_interview; $embassy_timezone_converted = @$embassy_data->dest_timezone_id; $embassy_date_converted = @$embassy_data->dest_datetime; $is_itn_user = (!empty($portfolio->sponsor_agency_id) && $portfolio->sponsorAgency->checkAgencySync()) ? 1 : 0; @endphp

US Visa

@if($step_status == 2)

Congratulations! US Embassy approved your J1 Visa.

It's time to do some packing...

@else @if($allow_visa_process == 1) @if(!empty($show_message))

{{ $show_message }}

@if($is_itn_user == 1)
US visa outcome will be update by ITN admin or user.

Were you granted your J1 visa at the US Embassy?

@endif @elseif($allow_visa_process == 2)
@if($is_itn_user == 1)
We are sorry to hear that your application for your {{ __('application_term.exchange_visitor') }} Visa was denied. US visa outcome will be update by ITN admin or user.

We are sorry to hear that your application for your {{ __('application_term.exchange_visitor') }} Visa was denied. You have several options like below.

In case of you change your mind or you may denied visa by mistake then below is the option to get back to visa approve.

@elseif($allow_visa_process == 3) @if($consecutive_visa_denied_flag == 1)
@if($is_itn_user == 1)
We are sorry to hear that your application for your {{ __('application_term.exchange_visitor') }} Visa was denied. ITN admin or user will be decied to cancel to J1 program.

We are sorry to hear that your application for your {{ __('application_term.exchange_visitor') }} Visa was denied. And that you decied to cancel to your J1 program, Please click on button below to confirm your decision

@if($is_itn_user == 1)

Please contact ITN admin to discuss your options moving forward.It maybe help you for approved next time


Please contact {{ config('common.contact_email') }} to discuss your options moving forward.It maybe help you for approved next time

@endif @elseif($allow_visa_process == 4)
@if($is_itn_user == 1)

Please contact ITN admin to discuss your options moving forward.It maybe help you for approved next time


Please contact {{ config('common.contact_email') }} to discuss your options moving forward.It maybe help you for approved next time


Your Embassy interview will take place on {{ dateformat($embassy_date_converted,DISPLAY_DATETIME) }} at your local timezone {{ get_timezone_label($embassy_timezone_converted) }}

As soon as you are done with your interview at your local U.S. Consulate / Embassy, please inform us of the result.

@endif @endif