@php $step_status = @$step_status; $visa_denied_count = @$step_verified_data['visa_denied_count']; $consecutive_visa_denied_flag = @$step_verified_data['consecutive_visa_denied_flag']; $embassy_data = @$step_verified_data['embassy_data']; $allow_visa_process = @$step_verified_data['allow_visa_process']; $show_message = @$step_verified_data['show_message']; $embassy_timezone = @$embassy_data->embassy_timezone; $embassy_date = @$embassy_data->embassy_interview; $embassy_timezone_converted = @$embassy_data->dest_timezone_id; $embassy_date_converted = @$embassy_data->dest_datetime; $is_itn_user = (!empty($portfolio->sponsor_agency_id) && $portfolio->sponsorAgency->checkAgencySync()) ? 1 : 0; @endphp
Congratulations! US Embassy approved your J1 Visa.
It's time to do some packing...
{{ $show_message }}
Please contact ITN admin to discuss your options moving forward.It maybe help you for approved next time
@elsePlease contact {{ config('common.contact_email') }} to discuss your options moving forward.It maybe help you for approved next time
@endifPlease contact ITN admin to discuss your options moving forward.It maybe help you for approved next time
@elsePlease contact {{ config('common.contact_email') }} to discuss your options moving forward.It maybe help you for approved next time
@endifYour Embassy interview will take place on {{ dateformat($embassy_date_converted,DISPLAY_DATETIME) }} at your local timezone {{ get_timezone_label($embassy_timezone_converted) }}
As soon as you are done with your interview at your local U.S. Consulate / Embassy, please inform us of the result.
@endif @endif