@php $skype_id = (!empty($step_verified_data['skype_id']))?@$step_verified_data['skype_id']:""; $skype_save_class = (!empty($skype_id))?"hidden":""; $skype_edit_class = (!empty($skype_id))?"":"hidden"; if($step_verified_data['invoice_branding'] == 1){ $company_name = __('application_term.itn_small_name'); }elseif($step_verified_data['invoice_branding'] == 2 || $step_verified_data['invoice_branding'] == 3){ $company_name = __('application_term.odc_small_name'); }else{ $company_name = __('application_term.app_name'); } @endphp

User Skype ID

The interview will take place using Skype.


This step is disable until user will reach to step.

@else @if(!empty($portfolio->placement_agency_id) && $portfolio->placementAgency->checkAgencySync())
Skype Id will be updated by user or ITN admin.
Skype Id: {{$skype_id}}
@if($is_step_locked != 1) @endif
@endif @if(!empty($skype_id) && ($step_status == 1 || $step_status == 2))
(Next Step: Schedule an interview with {{ $company_name }})

With Skype you can make video and audio calls, exchange chat messages and do much more using Skype's software on your computer, mobile phone, tablet and other devices.

@endif @endif