This step is disable until user will reach to step.
@if(!empty($portfolio->placement_agency_id) && $portfolio->placementAgency->checkAgencySync())
@if($is_multi_placement == true)
@foreach($placed_data as $item)
$is_active = (count($placed_data) == $item['pla_order'] && count($placed_data) > 1) ? " active " : "";
$emp_interview_data = @$item['emp_interview_data'];
@if($item['pla_type'] == 2)
Congratulations! placement is confirmed with {{ __('application_term.employer') }} {!! $item['emp_name'] !!} .
@elseif($item['pla_type'] == 1)
"{!! $item['emp_name'] !!}" is reviewing EV's profile,@if(empty($emp_interview_data)) Interview will be arrange shortly.@endif
Interview Duration: 30 Minutes
{{ dateformat($emp_interview_data['dest_datetime'],'l M d, Y \a\t h:i A') }}
{{ get_timezone_label($emp_interview_data['dest_timezone_id']) }}
@if($portfolio->dos_program_category_id != 3)
{{ __('application_term.position') }}: {!! $item['pos_name'] !!}
Please contact responsible person, if you are not able to attend the interview ({{ $emp_interview_data->admin_email }} )
We are currently searching for a suitable {{ strtolower(__('application_term.position')) }} for your @if($portfolio->program_id) {{ @$portfolio->program->program_name }} @endif program. This step can take some time so please be patient, you will receive an update on your email.
Your profile is currently reviewed by at least one {{ strtolower(__('application_term.employer')) }}.
@if(count($placed_data) == 1)
We are currently searching for a suitable {{ strtolower(__('application_term.position')) }} for your @if($portfolio->program_id) {{ @$portfolio->program->program_name }} @endif program. This step can take some time so please be patient, you will receive an update on your email.
@if(!empty($placed_data) && $placed_data[0]['pla_type'] == 1)
"{!! $placed_data[0]['emp_name'] !!}" is reviewing EV's profile,@if(empty($emp_interview_data)) Interview will be arrange shortly.@endif
Interview Duration: 30 Minutes
{{ dateformat($emp_interview_data['dest_datetime'],'l M d, Y \a\t h:i A') }}
{{ get_timezone_label($emp_interview_data['dest_timezone_id']) }}
@if($portfolio->dos_program_category_id != 3)
{{ __('application_term.position') }}: {!! $placed_data[0]['pos_name'] !!}
Please contact responsible person, if you are not able to attend the interview ({{ $emp_interview_data->admin_email }} )
@elseif(!empty($placed_data[0]['pla_type']) && $placed_data[0]['pla_type'] == 2)
Congratulations! placement is confirmed with {{ __('application_term.employer') }} {!! $placed_data[0]['emp_name'] !!} .
We are currently searching for a suitable {{ strtolower(__('application_term.position')) }} for @if($portfolio->program_id){{ @$portfolio->program->program_name }} @endif program. This step can take some time so please be patient, you will receive an update on your email.
@if (!empty($interview_details) && (!empty($interview_details['decline_description']) || !empty($interview_details['ev_decline_reason']) ))
Host Company Interview Status: {{$interview_details['status_name']}}
@if ($interview_details['hc_interview_status_id'] == 5)
Host Company Decline Description: {{$interview_details['decline_description']}}
@elseif($interview_details['hc_interview_status_id'] == 6)
EV Decline Description: {{$interview_details['ev_decline_reason']}}
@if(count($placed_data) >= 2 ||(empty($program_enroll) && count($placed_data) == 1) || (empty($is_route66) && count($placed_data) >= 2))
Lead can not be added for this candidate because candidate already placed.
@if(count($lead_data) == 0 && check_route_access('add.lead'))
@if(!empty($lead_data) && count($lead_data) > 0)
@if(count($lead_data) < 3 && check_route_access('add.lead'))
Portfolio Number
Position Name
Host Company
Start Date
End Date
@if(!empty($portfolio->placement_agency_id) && $portfolio->placementAgency->checkAgencySync())
@foreach($lead_data as $ld)