@php $step_status = @$step_verified_data['step_status']; $placement_data = @$step_verified_data['english_interview_data']; @endphp

English Interview

@if($step_status == 1 || $step_status == 2) @php $english_interview_data = !empty($placement_data[0]) ? $placement_data[0] : []; $is_interview_finished = 0; if(!empty($english_interview_data) && !empty($english_interview_data->admin_timezone_name)){ date_default_timezone_set($english_interview_data->admin_timezone_name); if($english_interview_data->result==1){ $is_interview_finished = 1; } $var = $english_interview_data->english_level; $var = (int)$var; } $system_date = date('Y-m-d h:i'); @endphp
@if(!empty($english_interview_data)) @if ($english_interview_data->result == 2 && $english_interview_data->is_locked == 0)

Unfortunately, based on our conversation, we did not feel that you adequately demonstrated a sufficient level of English to participate in Odyssey’s exchange programs.

We will give you another opportunity to interview with a different Odyssey staff member, please check your email as a new interview will be scheduled in the next few days to evaluate your English level..

@elseif ($english_interview_data->result == 2 && $english_interview_data->is_locked == 1)

Unfortunately, after two interviews, Odyssey advisors have decided that your English skills are not adequate to participate and follow a supervisor’s instructions during an Exchange Visitor Program.

@elseif(strtotime($system_date) > strtotime(@$english_interview_data->dest_datetime))

Thank you for attending the interview with {{ __('application_term.employer') }}. We will update you shortly with the next step of your program.

@else @if(empty($english_interview_data->interview_confirmed_user))

Please see the details of your interview below.

Interview Date/Time: {{ dateformat($english_interview_data->dest_datetime,DISPLAY_DATETIME) }}
Time Zone: {{ get_timezone_label($english_interview_data->dest_timezone_id) }}

@else @if($english_interview_data->interview_confirmed_user == 1 && $english_interview_data->interview_confirmed_admin == 1)

EV have been selected for an interview! Please see the details of your interview below.
Interview Date/Time: {{ dateformat($english_interview_data->dest_datetime,'l M d, Y \a\t h:i A') }}
Time Zone: {{ get_timezone_label($english_interview_data->dest_timezone_id) }}

EV will be interviewing with the following ITN representative:
- Name: {{$english_interview_data->interviewer}}
- Title: {{$english_interview_data->interviewer_title}}

@if(!empty($english_interview_data->meeting_id) && !empty($english_interview_data->meeting_password))

Meeting ID: {{$english_interview_data->meeting_id}}
Password: {{$english_interview_data->meeting_password}}

@endif @elseif($english_interview_data->interview_confirmed_user == 1 && $english_interview_data->interview_confirmed_admin != 1)

We have recorded the scheduled meeting confirmation detail.

EV has been selected for an interview! Please see the details of your interview below.
Interview Date/Time: {{ dateformat($english_interview_data->dest_datetime,'l M d, Y \a\t h:i A') }}
Time Zone: {{ get_timezone_label($english_interview_data->dest_timezone_id) }}

EV will be interviewing with the following ITN representative:
- Name: {{$english_interview_data->interviewer}}
- Title: {{$english_interview_data->interviewer_title}}

@endif @endif @endif @else
You will see the details of your interview on here.